Our services

  • Evaluate, Measure & Learn

    We're analytical at heart, and data nerds to boot, so this type of work is part of our DNA.

    Purpose-driven organisations exist, by definition, to have a positive impact on the world. But there are so many questions that sit under this ambition.

    What does 'good' actually look like? How do we measure it? And who decides?

    How long should it take? And how will we know if we're on track?

    If some good does happen then why did it happen? What did our contribution have to do with it? Can it be replicated?

    What can we learn from looking back? And how can we feed these insights back into better choices and decisions?

  • Strategise & Design

    We love working with organisations on their big questions and on exciting new initiatives.

    For impact investors this is often about launching a new vehicle (such as for a fund manager) or establishing a debut strategy (such as for a family office). This needs research, design, sequencing as well as internal capacity-building and buy-in.

    For non-profits this might be about reimagining their operating model or outcomes of focus or their fundraising strategy. And then telling their story in a compelling way.

    For foundations we understand there is an ongoing need to refresh programmatic strategies so these respond to the changing dynamics of the issues they are prioritising through their missions.

  • Raise & Deploy Capital

    We've spent two decades traversing between the worlds of funders (seeking good things to fund) and implementers (seeking resources to do good work).

    We work with funders (philanthropists and investors) to develop allocation approaches, identify investment opportunities, conduct due diligence, and build portfolios.

    We work with implementers (non-profits and social enterprises) to design fundraising strategies, develop marketing materials, pitch to funders, craft proposals, negotiate terms and get money in the door. And then to help with ongoing reporting and relationship management, so the partnership lasts for the long-term.

  • Build Capability

    Change-making is, at its core, about doing things differently. And this requires learning new things and practicing new ways of doing.

    You might be a lifelong non-profit leader that has decided to explore debt capital as a source of funding. This requires learning about building business plans and financial models.

    You might be a foundation Trustee that is exploring how to use the full balance sheet for impact and not just the grant-making portfolio. This requires building capability in managing capital for both returns and impact.

    We develop and run bespoke, practical workshops for small cohorts of changemakers on a wide range of topics.